Book Review on “A Theology of the Family”

Theology of the family
  If someone ever asked you the name of your favorite book, what would your answer be? We would like to share with you a little bit about our family favorite, “A Theology of the Family”. The title may sound slightly unusual and complicated, but it really is a must have in every home. This book is a compilation of great sermons on all topics concerning the family. Some of the authors are John Bunyan, Arthur W. Pink, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Philip Doddridge, Jonathan Edwards, and many more. Here are some excerpts from the book:

“Family prayer and the pulpit are the bulwarks of Protestantism! Depend upon it, when family piety goes down, the life of godliness will become very low. In Europe, at any rate, seeing that the Christian faith began with a converted household, we ought to seek after the conversion of all our families and to maintain within our houses the good and holy practice of family worship.” – Charles Haddon Spurgeon.

 There are not enough words to emphasize the importance of family worship in the home. This is one of the things that we have been practicing in our home for a while now and we see many benefits from it. Another great excerpt:

“The writer has met many people who profess to be Christians, but whose daily lives differ in nothing from thousands of non-professors all around them. They are rarely, if ever, found at the prayer-meeting, they have no Family Worship, they seldom read the Scriptures, they will not talk with you about the things of God, their walk is thoroughly worldly; and yet they are quite sure that they are bound for heaven! Inquire into the ground of their confidence, and they will tell you that so many years ago they accepted Christ as their Savior, and “once saved always saved” is now their comfort. There are thousands of such people on earth today, who are nevertheless, on the Broad Road, that leadeth to destruction, treading it with false peace in the hearts and a vain profession on their lips.” - Arthur W. Pink

  Hopefully these excerpts are enough to convince anyone to dive into this book. It is very important to surround yourself with literature that encourages spiritual growth, Godly principles, and gives a better understanding of His Word and commandments for the family. Think about this, “How can I stand for something that I don’t fully understand?” That’s a question every one of us should ask ourselves.

Anna and Leah

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