The first of two films from The BIRTH CONTROL Movie Project takes a historic look at the modern church’s public embrace and overwhelming acceptance of child prevention as biblical theology. Raising godly children is no longer viewed as marriage’s primary purpose. Instead, adults seek companionship, convenience, and physical gratification, perverting God’s purpose for marriage and blurring the lines between our God-given gender roles. Featuring: Dr. George Grant Dr. Allan Carlson Geoffrey Botkin Dr. R.C. Sproul, Jr. Lila Rose Kevin Swanson Julie Roys. Learn how abortion, racial segregation, and eugenics all play a role in the current birth control reality, and follow the film’s chronological timeline from Creation to the late 20th-Century and learn how the Church’s reinterpretation of Scripture and rejection of Church history have allowed this tragedy. BIRTH CONTROL: How Did We Get Here? won Runner-Up to the Best Sanctity of Life film in the 2013 San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival.